Feel her

The sound of the Faith of a people

The heart of the people of Baena vibrates with the sound of their drums

The deepest religious sentiments are expressed each year during Holy Week.

The feeling of a people is manifested through its popular traditions and those that commemorate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in Baena are the very essence of its most genuine identity.

There are multiple ways of perceiving Holy Week in Baena and experiencing its most varied sensations. The Passion, Faith and Emotion of its people come together for a few days in which everything is different. On the big days of this celebration, the streets of the city are flooded with color in a perfect symbiosis between the colorful uniforms of the brotherhoods and the most sublime blooming of nature when spring arrives.

Living the Passion in Baena is also feeling it, being carried away by the sound of its drums that seem to emulate the beat of the brother’s heart. Feeling, always feeling, getting lost in the alleys of the historic city following the silent walk of the Via Crucis, of prayer contained in the visit to the Tabernacles and of processions that on their way back to their temples will leave as an omnipresent trail the sound of the mobs of Jews that will flood everything. This is how Good Friday will arrive, where the passage of its brotherhoods will go slowly, slowly… as if the day itself were rocking behind the scenes of time.

The sound of the drum, with its multiple rhythms, will be the constant accompaniment of a celebration in which the visitor will experience something so special and unique that it will lead them to know the Faith, the Emotion, the Passion according to Baena.

      • feel the Pasión with which the presence of sacred images is experienced in the streets. It is a sample of the culmination that reaches the fervor of the people of Baen when the Holy Week arrives.
      • feel the Fe deep of the penitents who carry their crosses and drag shackled chains on bare feet. They fulfill the promises that always harbor hope.
      • feel the Emoción of the crowd gathered at the exit of the temples. Silhouettes of sobbing Dolorosa and haggard Christs who will rest their way before a fence will be cut out on the threshold. It will be the same protest, which year after year will rise from the earth. Será el sentir del baenense, una mezcla profunda entre oración y queja. Será la misma protesta, que año tras año se elevará de la tierra.

That's how they saw us


Los dorados fondos de los tambores y de los cascos de coracero se hacen luz con los primeros rayos de sol y el contraste de coliblancos y colinegros unidos muestran una estampa que difícilmente volverá a repetirse a lo largo de la Semana Santa.
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Febrero, 2015
Por menos de ciento ochenta y cinco euros no se adquiere el casco dorado de metal con celada, aunque no existen límites cuando se incrementa la artesanía del labrado y se hace a medida. Entonces los precios superan claramente los mil euros.
Abril, 2006
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