Easter week
Uniqueness and tradition
Nazarene brothers carrying crosses on their shoulders on Good Friday morning.
Centennial brotherhoods are part of Holy Week in Baena
The brotherhoods will be coliblancas or colinegros according to the crowd of Jews that accompany them
The Baenense Holy Week celebrations have their roots in the first third of the 16th century and their protagonists are the thousands of brotherhoods who are part of the more than 50 brotherhoods (many of them subdivided into gangs) integrated into the brotherhoods that process the Palm Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and Good Friday, as well as Easter Sunday.
These brotherhoods are integrated into seven penitential brotherhoods that worship sacred images with which the most crucial moments of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are remembered. In this way, tradition, the most unique folklore and Faith are inextricably linked, a Faith that is lived in a very special way in Baena because what in many places is synonymous with recollection and silence, here becomes an explosion of sound and color, something unique that leads those who star in it to experience a catharsis in which the deepest religious feelings emerge in this peculiar way in search of the transcendent.
Brotherhoods of Holy Week in Baena
Palm Sunday
Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
Foundation: 1981
Holy Wednesday
Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of the Garden and San Diego
Foundation: End of the 16th century.
Holy Thursday
Illustrious Archconfraternity of the True Cross and Our Father Jesus of the Arrest
Foundation: First third of the 16th century.
Good Friday
Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness (Silence)
Foundation: 1962
Good Friday
Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus Nazareno
Foundation: 1589
Good Friday
Brotherhood of the Dulce Nombre de Jesús, Santo Cristo del Calvario and Soledad de María Santísima
Foundation: Mid-16th century.
Easter Sunday
Royal Archconfraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary and Holy Risen Christ
Foundation:Between1529 y 1548